Farmhouse Vegetable and Barley Soup

From episode: Simple & Satisfying Vegetable Mains.

Serves 6 to 8

We prefer an acidic, un-oaked white wine such as sauvignon blanc for this recipe. We love the richness added by the Lemon-Thyme Butter (related), but the soup can also be garnished with crisp bacon, crumbled cheddar cheese, or croutons.

  • Building Savory Flavor On the Double

    To ramp up savory flavor in our Farmhouse Vegetable and Barley Soup, we tried adding umami boosters like soy sauce and porcini mushrooms and made an interesting discovery. We found that using less of both ingredients—versus more of just one or the other—had a powerful impact on flavor. Here’s why: Soy sauce contains high levels of naturally occurring, flavor-enhancing compounds called glutamates, while mushrooms are rich in flavor-amplifying compounds known as nucleotides. Used together, the two compounds can boost savory, umami-like flavors exponentially. Their effect is even more pronounced when the ratio of glutamates to nucleotides is very high. (Studies suggest that an effective ratio is 95:5.)

    Of course, we couldn’t measure exactly how much of each compound was making it into the pot, so we tinkered with the amount of soy and porcini we were adding until we hit it just right.

  • Glutamates + Nucleotides = Big Savory Flavor

    Due to the synergist effect of their difference flavor-enhancing compounds, small amounts of both soy sauce and porcini mushrooms add up to a more profound impact on flavor than a greater amount of just one of these ingredients.